

xfce session for gdm fix in cvs head

  • March 10, 2004
  • Olivier

While trying to get the gtk shadow patch for gtk 2.3.6, I ended up with gdm being totally unusable because of the gtk upgrade;

As the version I used was fairly old, I went and got a more recent ( version. That indeed fixed my problem with gdm not starting (so I could at least log onto the system), but I was a bit disapointed when I realised that my xfce session was gone and I could not get it back.

While digging into the issue, I found that gdm now uses .desktop file in $sysconfdir/dm/Sessions to describe the available sessions. With that in mind, I created a xfce.desktop file in xfce-util package so that xfce is now compatible withe recent gdm versions.

That should prolly explain (and fix the issue that caused) the few messages on the ML from people not being able to get xfce in the list of gdm available sessions.
