

Xfce 4.2.0 released

  • January 16, 2005
  • Fuzzbox

The Xfce Team is pleased to announce the availability of Xfce 4.2.0, the next major version of the Xfce Desktop Environment and Development Framework for Unix and Unix-like platforms. Xfce 4.2.0 can be downloaded here.

Xfce 4.2.0 includes new applications like a session manager and an application finder, a new and beautiful icon theme, support for bleeding-edge features (like the X.org Composite extension), usability and performance improvements, better support for multihead desktops, new and updated translations, additional themes, and various other improvements over the previous stable releases. See this page for a complete list of changes between Xfce 4.0 and Xfce 4.2.

Furthermore, Xfce 4.2 is the first desktop environment to ship with an easy-to-use and platform-independent graphical installation wizard, which takes care of compiling and installing Xfce on your system. Visit the os-cillation installers website for download links and instructions.

If you want to try Xfce 4.2.0 first, without installing anything on your system, you might want to try the Xfce Live Demo 0.2, provided by os-cillation, to discover the power and efficiency of Xfce.

A short trailer that introduces Xfce 4.2.0 is available in high- and low-bandwidth versions here.

CVS branched

  • January 3, 2005
  • Jasper Huijsmans

Olivier yesterday created a new xfce_4_2 branch in CVS. This definitely means release is getting closer.

New developments will go into HEAD, as usual. There won’t be too much development activity before we release 4.2.0 though. I hope.