

Tales From The Xfweiner

  • August 22, 2005
  • Erik

So, everything that has possibly gone wrong has gone wrong. Basically, life sucks.

But I’m not going to go into that. Things will get sorted out. Until then, however, my Xfce participation is a mess.

However, I’m hoping to pick up a few hours a week on Mousepad, and get the damn thing finished.

In other news, Robert Moog, the father of electronic music (Leonard Theremin being the grandfather), died from a brain tumor. I got the chance to meet Bob several years ago, he settled down in the smallish town in the mountains where I live. He was one of my heros, and I will miss him.

Also: This is what God intended. I’m tired of apps like Abiword having no Gnome dependecies mean “Just libgnomeprintui”. And Totem depending on gnome-vfs. But that’s really another story, since gnome-vfs isn’t going to go into GTK+. But the principle remains.