

Mmm, Weirdness

  • March 8, 2006
  • Brian Tarricone

Your Ultimate Sci-Fi Profile II: Which sci-fi crew would you best fit in?

You scored as Moya (Farscape).

You are surrounded by muppets. But that is okay because they are your friends and have shown many times that they can be trusted. Now if only you could stop being bothered about wormholes.

Moya (Farscape) - 81% Serenity (Firefly) - 75% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) - 75% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) - 69% Nebuchadnezzar (The Matrix) - 63% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) - 63% SG-1 (Stargate) - 56% FBI's X-Files Division (The X-Files) - 56% Andromeda Ascendant (Andromeda) - 50% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars) - 50% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) - 50% Enterprise D (Star Trek) - 44%

I'm not terribly surprised, though I can't really say much for Babylon 5 since I've never watched it.

Republican Arrogance

  • March 7, 2006
  • Brian Tarricone

Looks like South Dakota is the first state to ban abortions outright.

From the artile:

State lawmakers had rejected proposed amendments that would have made exceptions for rape or incest.

"We must help each mother to see the value of the gift that is a child, and nurture the mother for her own sake and for the sake of her child," Rounds said in the statement.

Absolute bullshit. I honestly don't understand why people feel the need to get into other people's business.


  • February 22, 2006
  • Brian Tarricone

Happy Birthday to the Legend of Zelda video game series, which turns 20 today. This was the first game I played on my NES, probably close to 20 years ago, and it was (at the time) seriously the coolest thing in the entire world. Most of my future Nintendo console purchases since then have been motivated in part by the ability to play future Zelda titles.

My old best friend from NJ, Mike, and I really bonded over Nintendo games back then. We used to play for hours at each other's houses, and went totally nuts when the Super Nintendo came out. Ah, nostalgia.

Awesome games: I salute you.


  • February 16, 2006
  • Brian Tarricone

Awesome. Apparently Xfmedia can break the kernel. Seriously, I consider that a major accomplishment.

Really, though, looks like a kernel bug.


  • February 15, 2006
  • Brian Tarricone

Some (single) people try hard to avoid Valentine's Day. My strategy: fly to Taiwan the afternoon beforehand, thus shrinking it down to only 8 hours long (kinda).

Misinformed Users

  • February 12, 2006
  • Brian Tarricone

A week or so ago I wrote about good users. I suppose it's only natural that now I feel the need to rant about bad users. Well, not even that bad in this case. Just misinformed. There was a post to xfce4-dev today by one of these misinformed users. My first instinct is to reply to this person to the list, but really, it's just noise that people don't need to see unless they want to read it. So I'll "reply" here. I assume that if you're here, you want to read it, or have the intelligence and ability to skip over things you don't want to read without complaining like a baby.

Some background: Xubuntu is an Ubuntu-based project with Xfce as its bundled default desktop environment. As of this writing, it's in a semi-early development stage, and one of the developers is constantly bugging us about when the current 4.4 development tree of Xfce is/will be stable. The email I'm talking about was written by some random user in support of this effort. Here goes.

Yeah but let's face is, (x)ubuntu isn't really exposure you wanna turn down.

Why not? It's not really our choice. If someone wants to do something with Xfce, good for them. That's what it's there for, and one of the many reasons why OSS is great. I dislike the insinuation that we're somehow doing Xfce a disservice by not bending over backwards in the name of some ill-defined "exposure".

This could be a turning point for XFCE.

From what to what? A minority desktop environment with a reasonably-sized, loyal following into... a minority desktop environment with a reasonably-sized, loyal following?

(Actually, this kind of user base increase can only increase the "reasonably-sized" figure, while decreasing the "loyal" figure and not doing much for the "minority" status. Yay?)

Xubuntu is almost as good as Ubuntu at the moment. I myself run a hybrid of GNOME services (keyring, vfs, session manager, all that crap) and XFCE (xfwm, xfdesktop, xfce-panel, iconbox). It has all the "it just works" of Ubuntu/GNOME with power-user features, such as a 21st century window manager.

... which is good to hear. Xfce is designed with this modularity in mind.

But I wouldn't have ever, EVER even thought of trying out XFCE if I hadn't been able to run "sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop".

That's a shame, but that's really not my concern. In fact, I worry when I start getting users who don't know anything beyond their package manager. In my experience, these users are more likely to become an annoying support burden and time sink.

I continue to wonder why so many people seem to think that exposure, fame, and a large user base is the only reason (or even the main reason) people write OSS. Personally, I work on Xfce because I enjoy it. Having someone nag me about release dates and constantly asking "is this particular version X stable enough for Y" just reduces that enjoyment. I don't like to be hassled. If people use and like Xfce, that's great. But I'm content to just work on something that I enjoy. I suppose I will really be in the right place when I learn to do what I like and ignore all the extraneous crap I don't like (a huge benefit of working on OSS without getting paid for it, IMHO). I guess I'm too much of a drama queen for that at this point, though.

I don't really mean to pick on this guy specifically. Sometimes a post like this sets me off. And I just woke up and I'm slightly cranky.

Disclaimer: I of course only speak for myself and my own motivations.

Good Users

  • February 5, 2006
  • Brian Tarricone

It's just really nice to get an occasional respite from the annoying clueless people in #xfce. Very often I ask myself why I even idle in there at all, given that the majority of the traffic is completely OT, or random people whining about their pet feature not being included, or having problems that many others have had and they could solve themselves by reading the FAQ or clicking the help button in one of the settings dialogs.

But tonight I had the pleasure to talk to someone with a feature idea who was willing to talk it out with me, and was understanding of why it is difficult and maybe not the highest priority. And even more impressive, he was willing to do some of the necessary legwork himself to maybe kickstart the feature. Kudos.

I understand that most people don't do any coding and wouldn't be able to hack their way out of a paper bag. But that's not an excuse to bitch and moan and expect the developers to bow to do your bidding. It's not even an excuse to expect the developers to even consider what you have to say. Sure, it would be nice if I had the kind of time (and patience) for that, but I don't. And until and unless my paycheck comes from someone who hired me to work on Xfce, I probably never will.

People don't even realise sometimes that they don't even need coding skills to help. The documentation could always use people looking at it and improving it. It wouldn't hurt to have a support-type person watching over Bugzilla, answering and closing common bugs that get reported. And in this case, the guy I was talking to was willing to do a little research into how his particular feature ("switch user" functionality piggybacking on GDM or KDM if running) could be implemented. I'm not saying it'll get implemented immediately if the required information is acquired, but it sure as hell isn't going to happen at all if someone's not willing to do the homework.

Anyway, I didn't intend this to turn into a rant; just wanted to express some gratitude that there really are appreciative people out there, and while they may not be as vocal as the complainers, their presence negates the effect of a lot of repetetive, annoying crap I sometimes take from users.


  • February 3, 2006
  • Brian Tarricone

When someone warns you in August about the potential for a trademark dispute, you change the name then and there, and you don't wait until February when you get sent a cease-and-desist letter.


  • January 31, 2006
  • Brian Tarricone

Today I released version 1.0.0 of the Xfce Mailwatch Plugin. Pasi and I worked our asses off on it, and I finally got around to doing a real release. We feel pretty confident about it, so I decided to go for 1.0.0. Enjoy.


  • January 29, 2006
  • Brian Tarricone

It's interesting how you can see someone in a different context and realise how little you know about that person, even someone you've known for the better part of year. More to come later.