

Xfce4-Terminal future

  • March 20, 2006
  • Eduard Roccatello

Hello folks!!!

I’m rewriting xfce4-terminal.
You should already know that Benny’s Terminal is really ok with the common usage. It’s just a normal terminal, like gnome-terminal and konsole.

I really don’t want another terminal, with tabs and so on… So i’m working on a new restyling of xfce4-terminal based on a screen like concept.
I use screen everyday and i think it’s approach is ok for most advanced use… so why don’t keep the whole thing easy while focusing on functionality?

I’ve started to code some prototype and i’ll commit as soon as it will work :-)

Appfinder integration in panel

  • January 8, 2006
  • Eduard Roccatello

Hello people!

I’m finally back to xfce development. I apologize for my missing but i’ve been a lot busy with work and university. Now i hope to have some free time to dedicate to this fantastic project.

I’ve just committed a new patch to Xfce4-Appfinder widget, to re-enable drag and drop to other applications. It works as in the past and it send the name of the dragged .desktop file to the dropping application.
Xfce4-menueditor already support appfinder dnd for adding new entries and i’ll hope panel will do it soon.

What are your impressions about Appfinder?


Appfinder future

  • April 11, 2005
  • Eduard Roccatello

Hello Folks!!!

Let’s talk about Appfinder current status…
Actually Appfinder has been ported to a GTK Widget, embeddable into any application using Xfce libs.
It would be possibile to search, launch and view applications inside other applications…
This is useful for panel (for entries editing), xffm (for applications start) and for xfrun itself.

I’ve planned to merge Appfinder into subversion as it will become more stable than it is :-)
So ASAP! :-D


Eduard Roccatello
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