

Spread the word about Xubuntu

  • October 5, 2008
  • vincent

Xubuntu 8.10 is coming, and the world needs to know it!

To make this easier for you, Pasi Lallinaho (Xubuntu’s marketing lead) has prepared an image that shows how many days are yet to come before 8.10 will be released.

And that’s where you come in to play: show the image on your own website, blog, profile page or whatever, by including the following HTML code:

<a href="http://xubuntu.org" title="Learn more about Xubuntu..."><img src="http://xubuntu.org/xubuntu-static/intrepid-countdown/index.php" alt="Countdown to Xubuntu (xubuntu.org) 8.10, by Pasi Lallinaho"></a>

Let’s introduce many more users to the wonderful world of Xubuntu :)

Countdown to Xubuntu (xubuntu.org) 8.10, by Pasi Lallinaho