

Xfce Design SIG launches

  • June 22, 2011
  • Pasi Lallinaho

As Jérôme Guelfucci wrote in his blog earlier, a special interest group has been started.  The Xfce Design Special Interest Group (or SIG) has a clear purpose (quote from the groups wikipage):

The Xfce Design SIG aims at improving the usability and visual appearance of the Xfce desktop environment. Our goal is to bring interested users, designers and hackers together to ensure neither of them is working in a vacuum. By establishing a context in which they can collaborate on smaller and larger design-related projects we try to increase the chance of the proposed changes to be merged into the official Xfce repositories.

I’m looking forward to working with Xfce directly and more closely after working years with Xubuntu. It’s both easier for us and assures that all Xfce users can enjoy the improvements, not just those who use Xubuntu.

Are you interested specially about Xfce Design? Join us!