Remote notifications
This post explains how to get notifications (libnotify) from a remote system. Typically this is useful with an IRC client accessible through SSH.Prerequisites:
- A notification daemon! (dunst, xfce4-notifyd, etc.)
- socat
- notify-send
apt-get install socat libnotify-bin
On the client, modify the SSH configuration to introduce two elements:
- forward a TCP port,
- execute a local command.
Example entry for ~/.ssh/config:
Host remote-hostThe fowarded TCP port will be used to netcat notification messages to the local system.
RemoteForward 12000 localhost:12000
PermitLocalCommand yes
LocalCommand socat -u tcp4-listen:12000,reuseaddr,fork,bind= exec:$HOME/.local/bin/ 2>/dev/null &
socat is used to bind a port on the local system, it will take the notifcation messages, and write them to the executed shell script
The shell script will then simply call notify-send to display a notification with the default notification daemon.
read line
read line
read line
if [ "$line" = "" ] && [ "$summary" != "" ]; then
[ -x "$(which notify-send)" ] && notify-send -u critical -t "$delay" -- "$summary" "$msg"
Now it is possible to connect to the remote host and "write" notifications:
local$ ssh remote-host
remote-host$ echo -e 'Summary\nBody\n\n' | nc 12000
Integrate into irssi
Copy the irssi script available bellow to get notifications from hilights, and private messages.
Once the script is copied, execute /script load inside irssi.
# shamelessly copied from;a=blob;
use strict;
use Irssi;
use HTML::Entities;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "0.01";
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Luke Macken, Paul W. Frields',
contact => ',',
name => 'rnotify',
description => 'Use libnotify to alert user to hilighted messages',
license => 'GNU General Public License',
url => '',
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', $IRSSI{'name'} . '_port', '12000');
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', $IRSSI{'name'} . '_if_away', 0);
sub is_port_owner {
my ($port, $uid) = @_;
my $wanted = sprintf("0100007F:%04X", $port);
# XXX linux-specific
open HANDLE, "< /proc/net/tcp" || return 0;
# sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode
my @splitted = split /\s+/;
my $local = $splitted[2];
my $remote = $splitted[3];
my $uid = $splitted[8];
return 1 if $local eq $wanted and $uid == $<;
close HANDLE;
return 0;
sub notify {
my ($server, $summary, $message) = @_;
$message = HTML::Entities::encode($message);
$summary = HTML::Entities::encode($summary);
# echo \ escaping
$message =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$summary =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
my $port = Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{'name'} . '_port');
return if ! is_port_owner($port, $<);
# check for being away in every server?
return if $server->{usermode_away} &&
(Irssi::settings_get_bool($IRSSI{'name'} . '_if_away') == 0);
# XXX test for other means of doing TCP
#print("echo '$summary\n$message\n\n' | /bin/nc $port");
system("echo '$summary\n$message\n\n' | /bin/nc $port &");
#my $pid = open(FH, "|-");
#if( $pid ){
# print FH "$summary\n$message\n\n";
# close(FH) || warn "exited $?";
# exec("/bin/nc $port") || warn "can't exec $!";
sub print_text_notify {
my ($dest, $text, $stripped) = @_;
my $server = $dest->{server};
return if (!$server || !($dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_HILIGHT));
my $sender = $stripped;
$sender =~ s/^\<.([^\>]+)\>.+/\1/ ;
$stripped =~ s/^\<.[^\>]+\>.// ;
my $summary = "Message on $dest->{target}";
notify($server, $summary, $stripped);
sub message_private_notify {
my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address) = @_;
return if (!$server);
notify($server, "Private message from ".$nick, $msg);
sub dcc_request_notify {
my ($dcc, $sendaddr) = @_;
my $server = $dcc->{server};
return if (!$dcc);
notify($server, "DCC ".$dcc->{type}." request", $dcc->{nick});
Irssi::signal_add('print text', 'print_text_notify');
Irssi::signal_add('message private', 'message_private_notify');
Irssi::signal_add('dcc request', 'dcc_request_notify');
# vim: et
Remote notifications
This post explains how to get notifications (libnotify) from a remote system. Typically this is useful with an IRC client accessible through SSH.Prerequisites:
- A notification daemon! (dunst, xfce4-notifyd, etc.)
- socat
- notify-send
apt-get install socat libnotify-bin
On the client, modify the SSH configuration to introduce two elements:
- forward a TCP port,
- execute a local command.
Example entry for ~/.ssh/config:
Host remote-hostThe fowarded TCP port will be used to netcat notification messages to the local system.
RemoteForward 12000 localhost:12000
PermitLocalCommand yes
LocalCommand socat -u tcp4-listen:12000,reuseaddr,fork,bind= exec:$HOME/.local/bin/ 2>/dev/null &
socat is used to bind a port on the local system, it will take the notifcation messages, and write them to the executed shell script
The shell script will then simply call notify-send to display a notification with the default notification daemon.
read line
read line
read line
if [ "$line" = "" ] && [ "$summary" != "" ]; then
[ -x "$(which notify-send)" ] && notify-send -u critical -t "$delay" -- "$summary" "$msg"
Now it is possible to connect to the remote host and "write" notifications:
local$ ssh remote-host
remote-host$ echo -e 'SummarynBodynn' | nc 12000
Integrate into irssi
Copy the irssi script available bellow to get notifications from hilights, and private messages.
Once the script is copied, execute /script load inside irssi.
# shamelessly copied from;a=blob;
use strict;
use Irssi;
use HTML::Entities;
use vars qw($VERSION %IRSSI);
$VERSION = "0.01";
%IRSSI = (
authors => 'Luke Macken, Paul W. Frields',
contact => ',',
name => 'rnotify',
description => 'Use libnotify to alert user to hilighted messages',
license => 'GNU General Public License',
url => '',
Irssi::settings_add_str('misc', $IRSSI{'name'} . '_port', '12000');
Irssi::settings_add_bool('misc', $IRSSI{'name'} . '_if_away', 0);
sub is_port_owner {
my ($port, $uid) = @_;
my $wanted = sprintf("0100007F:%04X", $port);
# XXX linux-specific
open HANDLE, "< /proc/net/tcp" || return 0;
# sl local_address rem_address st tx_queue rx_queue tr tm->when retrnsmt uid timeout inode
my @splitted = split /s+/;
my $local = $splitted[2];
my $remote = $splitted[3];
my $uid = $splitted[8];
return 1 if $local eq $wanted and $uid == $<;
close HANDLE;
return 0;
sub notify {
my ($server, $summary, $message) = @_;
$message = HTML::Entities::encode($message);
$summary = HTML::Entities::encode($summary);
# echo escaping
$message =~ s/\/\\/g;
$summary =~ s/\/\\/g;
my $port = Irssi::settings_get_str($IRSSI{'name'} . '_port');
return if ! is_port_owner($port, $<);
# check for being away in every server?
return if $server->{usermode_away} &&
(Irssi::settings_get_bool($IRSSI{'name'} . '_if_away') == 0);
# XXX test for other means of doing TCP
#print("echo '$summaryn$messagenn' | /bin/nc $port");
system("echo '$summaryn$messagenn' | /bin/nc $port &");
#my $pid = open(FH, "|-");
#if( $pid ){
# print FH "$summaryn$messagenn";
# close(FH) || warn "exited $?";
# exec("/bin/nc $port") || warn "can't exec $!";
sub print_text_notify {
my ($dest, $text, $stripped) = @_;
my $server = $dest->{server};
return if (!$server || !($dest->{level} & MSGLEVEL_HILIGHT));
my $sender = $stripped;
$sender =~ s/^<.([^>]+)>.+/1/ ;
$stripped =~ s/^<.[^>]+>.// ;
my $summary = "Message on $dest->{target}";
notify($server, $summary, $stripped);
sub message_private_notify {
my ($server, $msg, $nick, $address) = @_;
return if (!$server);
notify($server, "Private message from ".$nick, $msg);
sub dcc_request_notify {
my ($dcc, $sendaddr) = @_;
my $server = $dcc->{server};
return if (!$dcc);
notify($server, "DCC ".$dcc->{type}." request", $dcc->{nick});
Irssi::signal_add('print text', 'print_text_notify');
Irssi::signal_add('message private', 'message_private_notify');
Irssi::signal_add('dcc request', 'dcc_request_notify');
# vim: et
So I pimped up my .screenrc, and since it's been a long time I didn't care about my hardstatus I keep the content here just in case I need it again in a few years...defscrollback 2048
startup_message off
caption always "%{= Wk}%-w%{= KW}%f%n %t%{-}%+w"
hardstatus off
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string "%{= ky}[ %H %l ]%=%{= kg}%{+b}[ %n %t ]%-=%{= ky}[ %D %d.%m.%Y %0c ]"
screen -t irssi 0
screen -t mutt 1
screen -t bubbie 2
So I pimped up my .screenrc, and since it's been a long time I didn't care about my hardstatus I keep the content here just in case I need it again in a few years...defscrollback 2048
startup_message off
caption always "%{= Wk}%-w%{= KW}%f%n %t%{-}%+w"
hardstatus off
hardstatus alwayslastline
hardstatus string "%{= ky}[ %H %l ]%=%{= kg}%{+b}[ %n %t ]%-=%{= ky}[ %D %d.%m.%Y %0c ]"
screen -t irssi 0
screen -t mutt 1
screen -t bubbie 2
Xfce 4.8 with Conky
I have been following a short discussion on the IRC channel #xfce regarding an issue with the use of Conky and transparency. I didn't use Conky for a very long time, but since I knew it was possible to have Conky perfectly running, I gave it a shot again and since I did a fresh reinitialization of Xfce on my workstation, I tweaked the configuration file to my need. Now I have it running in the background and I'll most probably keep it.The configuration I was able to get for a good working Conky window with transparency is bellow. Of course I could tell you which combination doesn't work, with the why, but since there are so many of them I simply put a working one.
own_window yes # create a separate XWindow over the one from Xfdesktop
own_window_type desktop # the window cannot be moved or resized
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager # make it behave like it belongs to the desktop
own_window_argb_visual yes # true transparency, a compositor has to be active
own_window_argb_value 100 # make the background semi-transparent
double_buffer yes # avoid flickering
Here is a screenshot of the desktop with Conky in the bottom right corner, I made sure there is some I/O activity going on :-)
![]() |
Xfce with Conky |
Xfce 4.8 with Conky
I have been following a short discussion on the IRC channel #xfce regarding an issue with the use of Conky and transparency. I didn't use Conky for a very long time, but since I knew it was possible to have Conky perfectly running, I gave it a shot again and since I did a fresh reinitialization of Xfce on my workstation, I tweaked the configuration file to my need. Now I have it running in the background and I'll most probably keep it.The configuration I was able to get for a good working Conky window with transparency is bellow. Of course I could tell you which combination doesn't work, with the why, but since there are so many of them I simply put a working one.
own_window yes # create a separate XWindow over the one from Xfdesktop
own_window_type desktop # the window cannot be moved or resized
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager # make it behave like it belongs to the desktop
own_window_argb_visual yes # true transparency, a compositor has to be active
own_window_argb_value 100 # make the background semi-transparent
double_buffer yes # avoid flickering
Here is a screenshot of the desktop with Conky in the bottom right corner, I made sure there is some I/O activity going on :-)
![]() |
Xfce with Conky |
I'm sharing a small script that allows to scan IPs against Whois and GeoIP databases. It allows to quickly retrieve the geolocation of the IPs and print statistics, so that you know from where the connections are originating from. The Whois information is stored inside text files named can download the script here.
• Usage
$ spam-ips.rb --help
Usage: /home/mike/.local/bin/spam-ips.rb ip|filename [[ip|filename] ...]
• First we retrieve some IPs
$ awk '{print $6}' /var/log/httpd/access.log > /tmp/ip-list.txt
• Now we run the script with the list of IPs inside the text file
$ cd /tmp
$ spam-ips.rb ip-list.txt
Scanning 18 IPs... done.
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: IP Address not found
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: BR, Brazil
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: AR, Argentina
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: SE, Sweden
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: CA, Canada
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: DE, Germany
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: BE, Belgium
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: FR, France
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: NL, Netherlands
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: NO, Norway
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: FI, Finland
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: DE, Germany
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: FR, France
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: FR, France
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: DE, Germany
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
3 FR, France
3 DE, Germany
2 RU, Russian Federation
1 US, United States
1 NL, Netherlands
1 IP Address not found
1 NO, Norway
1 FI, Finland
1 SE, Sweden
1 CA, Canada
1 BR, Brazil
1 BE, Belgium
1 AR, Argentina
Total: 18
I wrote this script when I noticed Wiki SPAM and concluded that SPAM originated from a single Bot master but of course I was unable to figure out which one. The script can still be useful from times to times.
I'm sharing a small script that allows to scan IPs against Whois and GeoIP databases. It allows to quickly retrieve the geolocation of the IPs and print statistics, so that you know from where the connections are originating from. The Whois information is stored inside text files named can download the script here.
• Usage
$ spam-ips.rb --help
Usage: /home/mike/.local/bin/spam-ips.rb ip|filename [[ip|filename] ...]
• First we retrieve some IPs
$ awk '{print $6}' /var/log/httpd/access.log > /tmp/ip-list.txt
• Now we run the script with the list of IPs inside the text file
$ cd /tmp
$ spam-ips.rb ip-list.txt
Scanning 18 IPs... done.
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: IP Address not found
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: BR, Brazil
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: AR, Argentina
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: SE, Sweden
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: CA, Canada
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: DE, Germany
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: BE, Belgium
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: FR, France
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: NL, Netherlands
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: NO, Norway
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: FI, Finland
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: DE, Germany
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: FR, France
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: FR, France
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: DE, Germany
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
xxx.zzz.yyy.bbb GeoIP Country Edition: RU, Russian Federation
3 FR, France
3 DE, Germany
2 RU, Russian Federation
1 US, United States
1 NL, Netherlands
1 IP Address not found
1 NO, Norway
1 FI, Finland
1 SE, Sweden
1 CA, Canada
1 BR, Brazil
1 BE, Belgium
1 AR, Argentina
Total: 18
I wrote this script when I noticed Wiki SPAM and concluded that SPAM originated from a single Bot master but of course I was unable to figure out which one. The script can still be useful from times to times.
XTerm as root-tail
The idea behind this title is to use XTerm as a log viewer over the desktop, just like root-tail works. The tool root-tail paints text on the root window by default or any other XWindow when used with the-id
parameter.Using XTerm comes with little advantage, it is possible to scroll into the “backlog” and make text selections. On a downside, it won't let you click through into the desktop, therefore it is rather useful for people without desktop icons for example.
We will proceed with a first simple example, by writing a Shell script that will use the combo DevilsPie and XTerm. The terminals will all be kept in the background below other windows and never take the focus thanks to DevilsPie. DevilsPie is a tool watching the creation of new windows and applies special rules over them.
Obviously, you need to install the command line tool
. It's a command to run in the background as a daemon. Configuration files with a .ds
extensions contain matches for windows and rules that are put within the ~/.devilspie
directory.First example
The first example shows how to match only one specific XTerm window.The DevilsPie configuration:
- DesktopLog.ds
(is (window_class) "DesktopLog")
(wintype "dock")
(geometry "+20+45")
(opacity 80)
is running, and spawning a single xterm
test `pidof devilspie` || devilspie &
xterm -geometry 164x73 -uc -class DesktopLog -T daemon.log -e sudo tail -f /var/log/daemon.log &
To try the example, save the DevilsPie snippet inside the directory
, and download and execute the Shell script. Make sure to quit any previous DevilsPie process whenever you modify or install a new .ds
file.Second example
The second example is a little more complete, it starts three terminals of which one is coloured in black.- DesktopLog.ds
(matches (window_class) "DesktopLog[0-9]+")
(wintype "dock")
(opacity 80)
(is (window_class) "DesktopLog1")
(geometry "+480+20")
(is (window_class) "DesktopLog2")
(geometry "+20+20")
(is (window_class) "DesktopLog3")
(geometry "+20+330")
test `pidof devilspie` || devilspie &
xterm -geometry 88x40 -uc -class DesktopLog1 -T daemon.log -e sudo -s tail -f /var/log/daemon.log &
xterm -geometry 70x20 -uc -class DesktopLog2 -T auth.log -e sudo -s tail -f /var/log/auth.log &
xterm -fg grey -bg black -geometry 70x16 -uc -class DesktopLog3 -T pacman.log -e sudo -s tail -f /var/log/pacman.log &
NB: You will probably notice that setting the geometry is awkward, specially since position and size are in two different files, getting it right needs several tweakings.
This blog post was cross-posted to the Xfce Wiki.
CLI tool to review PO files
If there is something annoying about reviewing PO files is that it is impossible. When there are two hundred messages in a PO file, how are you going to know which messages changed? Well, that's the way it works currently for Transifex but there are very good news, first a review board is already available which is a good step forward but second it is going to get some good kick to make it awesome. But until this happens, I have written two scripts to make such a review.A shell script
Pros: tools available on every systemCons: ugly output, needs template file
# Usage
if test "$1" = "" -o "$2" = "" -o "$3" = ""; then
echo Usage: $0 orig.po review.po template.pot
exit 1
# Merge
# Diff
# Clean up files
$ ./ fr.po thunar.pot
#: ../thunar-vcs-plugin/tvp-git-action.c:265
-#, fuzzy
msgid "Menu|Bisect"
-msgstr "Différences détaillées"
+msgstr "Menu|Couper en deux"
#: ../thunar-vcs-plugin/tvp-git-action.c:265
msgid "Bisect"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Couper en deux"
A Python script
Pros: programmable output
Cons: external dependency
The script depends on polib that can be installed with the setuptools scripts. Make sure setuptools is installed and than run the command
sudo easy_install polib
.#!/usr/bin/env python
import polib
def podiff(path_po_orig, path_po_review):
po_orig = polib.pofile(path_po_orig)
po_review = polib.pofile(path_po_review)
po_diff = polib.POFile()
po_diff.header = "PO Diff Header"
for entry in po_review:
orig_entry = po_orig.find(entry.msgid)
if not entry.obsolete and (orig_entry.msgstr != entry.msgstr \
or ("fuzzy" in orig_entry.flags) != ("fuzzy" in entry.flags)):
return po_diff
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import os.path
# Usage
if len(sys.argv) != 3 \
or not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]) \
or not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[2]):
print "Usage: %s orig.po review.po" % sys.argv[0]
# Retrieve diff
path_po_orig = sys.argv[1]
path_po_review = sys.argv[2]
po_diff = podiff(path_po_orig, path_po_review)
# Print out orig v. review messages
po = polib.pofile(path_po_orig)
for entry in po_diff:
orig_entry = po.find(entry.msgid)
orig_fuzzy = review_fuzzy = "fuzzy"
if "fuzzy" not in orig_entry.flags:
orig_fuzzy = "not fuzzy"
if "fuzzy" not in entry.flags:
review_fuzzy = "not fuzzy"
print "'%s' was %s is %s\n\tOriginal => '%s'\n\tReviewed => '%s'\n" % (entry.msgid, orig_fuzzy, review_fuzzy, orig_entry.msgstr, entry.msgstr)
$ ./ fr.po
'Menu|Bisect' was fuzzy is not fuzzy
Original => 'Différences détaillées'
Reviewed => 'Menu|Couper en deux'
'Bisect' was not fuzzy is not fuzzy
Original => ''
Reviewed => 'Couper en deux'